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We can only learn to know ourselves and do what we can - namely, surrender our will and fulfill God's will in us

Teresa of Avila

Flos Carmeli 

Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites

Jacksonville, Florida

God's blessings onto you and to whom you care about!


We have received many phone calls inquiring about leaving prayer requests with the Discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery of the Little Flower of Jesus.  Our community is thrilled to hear of the Carmelite Nuns moving to Jacksonville, FL with a warm welcome from our Bishop Eric Pohlmeier to our Diocese of St. Augustine!


Please know that the phone number listed is not a voicemail of the Nuns from Buffalo, N.Y.,  but a personal line of the Moderator of our local Carmelite community located in Jacksonville, Florida.


The Carmelite Nuns website is:


If anyone is interested in joining our community, or in need of prayer, please fill out a visitor's page located on our website and someone from our community will be in touch with you.


Have a blessed day!


In Carmel,

Estrella Maloney

Flos Carmeli 


Jacksonville, FL 

News and Events

(Pulls information from

The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites

are faithful members of the Discalced Carmelite Order, living in allegiance to Jesus Christ who loves us, and in service to His Church.


Under the protection of our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the biblical tradition of the prophet Elijah and inspired by the teachings of St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross, they seek to deepen their Christian commitment received in baptism.

The lay members of the OCDS seek to live the Teresian Carmelite charism in the midst of the world, in the family, in their work and the normal circumstances of civil life, by managing temporal affairs and ordering them according to the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels and in conformity with the charism of Saint Teresa of Jesus. They follow Teresa’s guidelines on prayer and try to live it as friendship with God, there where they are, so that “the real lover everywhere loves and remembers the beloved.” But they also live prayer in the liturgy, in listening to God’s Word, in the sacraments and in devotion to Our Lady of Mt Carmel, their model for a life that is Christian and Carmelite.

They seek to live in fraternal friendship in the community to which they belong and attend and which is governed by a council elected every 3 years. This council takes care of their training and admission to the promises. The cultivation of human virtues and the climate of trust in the community allows sharing and fosters growth in charity and friendship with the others. They collaborate in the apostolate by their witness of a Christian life and assist the sanctification of the world, by means of their life of faith, hope and charity and according to the personal talents of each member.


         - The Washington Province for the Discalced Carmelite Secular Order

This site is dedicated to and under the protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
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