How to Pray
The following resources have been selected to help teach prayer in the Teresian Carmelite tradition. Much confusion abounds in modern notions of spirituality and mysticism. The items in this list were intentionally selected because they are trustworthy and helpful for teaching mental prayer which is in accordance with Church teaching and specifically within Carmelite spirituality. It is by no means an exhaustive list, but is rather intended to get one started. For more resources, please check the Institute for Carmelite Studies catelog.
CarmelCast - Collection of short videos published by the Institute for Carmelite Studies describing the different modes of prayer and other topics in the spiritual life (Carmelites do not refer to "methods" of prayer per se, and so "mode" is a more accurate description of what is being done). This is a great place to start.
Way of Perfection by St. Teresa of Avila - The original manuscript written by St. Teresa teaching incoming nuns how to pray. This book is very approachable and practical.
Prayer of recollection brochure - Simple outline of the "prayer of recollection" as described by St. Teresa of Avila in Way of Perfection (also discussed in the CarmelCast videos linked above).
Lectio Divina and the Practice of Teresian Prayer - Describes how to incorporate Teresian prayer with the centuries-old spiritual practice of lectio divina, and how to draw spiritual nourishment from both.
Fire Within by Fr. Thomas Dubay - Helpful guide and summary of various Carmelite writings from an expert on Christian prayer.